During the last day of Club Coupe du Monde Team USA’s three-day course held at L’Ecole Valrhona in Brooklyn, New York, the twelve pastry chefs produced the concluding components for the plated desserts and centerpieces. Once finished, the chefs, along with Team USA, collaborated to assemble the centerpieces and presented the tasting desserts on a buffet table.
To see how day one and day two unfolded click here (day one) and here (day two).

Team USA poses with the final buffet.

The final day of three days of intensive but enjoyable instruction has come to an end, and both the participating pastry chefs and Team USA are rejoicing with laughter and friendship.

Chef Jordan Snider, Chef Julie Eslinger, and Chef François Behuet had dipped their hands in Valrhona chocolate before the day ended, earning them a place on Valrhona’s Chef’s Wall of Fame alongside other visiting chefs.